A Next.js 13 Landing Page Site
Next.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSNetlifyA web application for sharing creative prompts.
Next.jsTailwindCSSMongoDBNextAuthNetlifyTemplate + Data => Report
Next.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSHandlebars.jsYAMLNetlifyA web application for collecting Islamic Daily Du'as.
Next.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSGoogle SpreadsheetNetlifyA web application for MARA retirees to check their SKKM balance.
Next.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSFaunaDBNextAuthNetlifyA web application to view upcoming events in the world.
Gatsby.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSGraphQLGoogle SpreadsheetSendGridCloudflare PagesDocs, blogs, tutorials, and code snippets for Telcowin Developers.
Next.jsTypeScriptTailwindCSSMarkdownVercelCoway product catalog website for Coway agents.
React.jsMaterial UINetlifyEducational website for learning arabic language for tourism purpose.
GravCMSSCSScPanelA web application that integrate with various APIs using serverless functions.
React.jsRedux.jsMaterial UIFaunaDBVirusTotal APIHow Secure Is My Password APINetlifySimple To-Do app that apply CRUD operations, authentication, & authorization.
Next.jsTailwindCSSAirtableAuth0NetlifySimple YouTube app for searching & playing YouTube videos.
React.jsPaperCSSYouTube APINetlifySimple Arabic React.js app that was originally build using Pug.js